Kate also frittered away most of her bvacation/b texting on her phone and hamming it up for the TLC cameras, who took up two media rooms in the ritzy $1807 rental home she occupied during the bvacation/b, witnesses said. ... glad that jon was doing something decent; btomm/b 45 minutes ago FLAG COMMENT who wrote this trash? never let the facts get in the way of irresponsible journilism.who wrote this trash? never let the facts get in the way of irresponsible journilism. ...
I will be leaving for Mussoorie btomm/b. (ie 13.03.09). I am havin few questions so need ur help........ 1) I will be going with my friend on Hunk.....(So is this bike good enough)? 2) We are planning to start around 7:00pm,so if we dont ...